Sunday, January 1, 2023

35th Annual Arizona Renaissance Faire and Marketplace

Eat Drink and be Merry is the order of the day at the Arizona Renaissance Festival's Village of Fairhaven. 

The 2023 Arizona Renaissance Festival dates are Saturdays, Sundays and Presidents’ Day; opening on Saturday, February 4th through Sunday April 2nd, 2023.

The Festival is a 50-acre medieval amusement park and 16-stage theater with over 200 arts and craft vendors. Enjoy feasting and jousting tournaments during your day-long adventure. You never know what you will find on or off the stage while you interact with over 2,000 costumed characters.

Mingle with the King & Queen, enjoy good-humored teasing with the Village Fool, or dance with the gypsies! Become a part of the action or relax as you roam the festival village and shops!

Attendees are immersed in a whimsical and historical setting featuring live entertainment, music, comedy, jousting knights, human-powered rides, games of skill, and there are even escape rooms

Location : Village of Fairhaven
Street Address : 12601 E. US-60, Gold Canyon, AZ 85118
Phone : (520) 463-2600

Start Date : 02/04/2023
End Date : 04/02/2023
Day of week : Every Saturday, Sunday (and President's Day - Monday February 20)
Opening time : 10:00 AM
Closing time : 06:00 PM

Cosplay welcome at the Faire; you are encouraged to come dressed in costume. 
*Costume prop swords and daggers are permitted as long as they are properly sheathed, peace tied by the safety services personnel at the main entrance and remain sheathed during your Festival visit. 

Costumes also available for rent at the Belrose Costume Shop located near the entrance to the Festival. 

Time Travelers Weekend - February 25 & 26
Pirate Invasion & BrewFest Weekend - March 4 & 5

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