Saturday, June 2, 2018

2018 Valhalla Renaissance Faire - 25th Anniversary Celebration

Travel to Elizabethan England and an old world adventure at the beautifully wooded Camp Richardson in South Lake Tahoe, CA.

The 2018 Valhalla Renaissance Faire features four stages of action packed shows and entertainment including: storytelling, music, dancing, jesters and expertly staged battles. Also 800 costumed actors, archery tournaments and much more.

Shop over 100 merchants selling arts and crafts ranging from jewelry items, woodcrafts, artwork, ceramics, clothing,  leather goods and historic weapons.

Fun & excitement for the whole family! Valhalla Renaissance Faire draws over 13,000 people to South Lake Tahoe.

Fill your senses with the sights, sounds, tastes and feel of the 16th Century:
June 2-3 & June 9-10 2018

1900 Jameson Beach Road​
South Lake Tahoe, CA

Like their official facebook page for updates and giveaways!

$16 for Adult
$12 for seniors, military and teens (13-17)
$8 for children 6-12
Free for Children 5 and under

Come in costume or come as you are, but be a part of history and immerse yourself in games, theater in this Renaissance village and marketplace.

Valhalla Renaissance Faire

They are in the process of adding vendors, stage acts and guilds to the line up, if interested please visit and submit your application.

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