Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Make your Casino Comp Offers Work For You With URComped

Do you gamble at land based or cruise casinos? Do you feel trapped by the freeplay or comped room offers from your players club or casino you usually play at? Are you interested in getting equivalent casino free play or comped rooms at new casinos, including comped cruises?

Craig Shacklett (CEO) of URComped, worked as a casino host on a cruise ship and noticed there are basically two types of players, both essentially with the same issue.

The first, were the players that wanted to try different cruise lines and casinos, but they ended up with the same company on the same ships on the same old comp offers over and over again because they were already getting comped through their current player club and were not willing to pay full price to try a different cruise line or casino.

The second type of players he saw, were players that walked into a casino or went on a cruise and gambled as much or more than the comped players. However since they were not members of that casino's player's club or previously cruised with that cruise line they had no way to show they were comp-worthy players before their trip and paid full price for rooms.

To retain players, casinos do not share play information with other companies. This creates a catch 22 for players receiving comp offers from the companies they have played with before but want to try other places.

URComped's mission is to help casino players discover new casino offers and casino comps by helping players easily qualify themselves using your current freeplay and casino offers. They help you find and enjoy comp experiences at new places, which include some of the finest casinos and cruise lines in the world.

How it works

  • FIRST, create your FREE URComped Player Profile
  • Tell them which casinos you play at. What tier level are you in the loyalty program and if you have a host or credit line.
  • Then, send them pictures of your casino offers to complete the pre-qualification process.
  • Then Urcomped matches your level of play to other casinos and cruise lines and sends you offers to experience new places.
  • It is that easy and URComped is 100% FREE for players.

Join their Facebook Group to interact with other members where you can ask or answer questions.

This video will help you determine what your current casino thinks you are worth.

This video will show how your current casino offers will help new casinos determine what you are worth.

Feel Free to follow my URComped profile or visit some of UrComped Las Vegas Casino Partners: Golden Nugget Las Vegas or Tropicana Las Vegas.

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