Thursday, November 6, 2014

Deciphering the mysteries of history in a dollar bill

How much is a dollar worth?


Each bill costs the government about 7 cents to print. You cannot trade in a dollar bill to the government for gold or any other commodity, so technically the dollar bill has no value other than that which a nation's citizens agree the bill is worth to each other.

The worth of US currency is related to a decree by the government that a dollar bill is legal tender for all debts public and private. This means if someone attempts to pay a debt using US dollars, the person being paid must accept the currency as a form of payment or the government will not recognize the debt. However, there does not seem to be Federal statute that mandates a private businesses must accept cash as a form of payment. Private businesses are free to refuse cash as payment for goods unless there is a State law which says otherwise.

Click here for more Interesting facts about US Currency

Worth the paper printed on?


US bills are made from a blend of linen and cotton with red and blue silk fibers woven into the currency. Us 'paper' money is not made from pressed wood fiber or common paper. This is why dollar bills don't fall apart in the washing machine like receipts when left in your pocket.

The Great Seal of the United States


The back of the dollar bill features the both sides of 'The Great Seal of the United States' designed in 1782. This seal was designed by the Founding Fathers, the first of three groups consisted of Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. Two other groups were involved before the final design was approved by the US Congress. The unfinished pyramid, was not part of the Franklin, Adams and Jefferson proposed design.

send me a dollarsend me a dollar


Bald Eagle


An animal native to America was to become the nation's symbol: In its talons the eagle holds 13 arrows and olive branches with 13 leaves, signifying war and peace.

Annuit Coeptis


1 of the 3 Latin phrases printed on the back of the dollar bill; Annuit Coeptis translates as "God has favored our undertakings". Benjamin Franklin, George Washington and other the Founding Fathers believed that it was God's will behind the birth of the United States and that not one man alone but a group of people with the help of God can do great things.

Novus Ordo Seclorum


Another of the 3 Latin phrases printed on the back of the bill; translates as "New order of the ages". Charles Thomson, who was involved in the design of The Great Seal of the United States, suggested the phrase to signify "the new American Era" which began in 1776 with the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

E Pluribus Unum


Another of the 3 Latin phrases, E Pluribus Unum translates as "Out of many, one": The 13 colonies unified to form one nation under god.

MDCCLXXVI at the bottom of the pyramid


MDCCLXXVI are Roman numerals for the year 1776. Adding the Roman numeral series (M/1000, D/500, C/100, C/100, L/50, X/10, X/10, V/5, I/1) under the pyramid together and you get 1776; the year the 'new American Era' began.

Unfinished pyramid with a glowing eye


The 'Eye of Providence' is a visual representation of the phrase Annuit Coeptis (God has favored our undertakings), the Founding Father's ideal that God looked upon the new nation with favor.

Charles Thomson believed the pyramid represented strength and endurance (time). Though he did not explain the unfinished state; the pyramid stops at 13 steps which is the number of the original colonies. Many believe the it being unfinished at 13 to signify our nation was unfinished and would grow.

Thirteen colonies (or states) came together to form the United States of  America and he number 13 is represented in many places on the dollar bill.

-The Bald Eagle is holding an olive branch in its right talon with 13 leaves standing for peace.
-In the left talon, the Eagle is holding 13 arrows signifying war.
-The shield over the Eagle's chest has 13 bars and over the Eagle's head, there are 13 stars.
-E Pluribus Unum, on the scroll hanging from the eagle's beak has 13 letters.
-The phrase Annuit Coeptis also has 13 letters

On the front of a dollar, the letter inside the black seal identifies the Federal Reserve bank which placed the order and the letter corresponds to the black number that is printed four times on the face of the bill.

A/1 = Boston
B/2 = New York City
C/3 = Philadelphia
D/4 = Cleveland
E/5 = Richmond, Va.
F/6 = Atlanta
G/7= Chicago
H/8 = St. Louis
I/9= Minneapolis
J/10 = Kansas City
K/11 = Dallas
L/12 = San Francisco.

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