Sunday, July 1, 2018

Is the Las Vegas Strip Leaning Towards Free Parking Again?

Station Casinos began charging resort fees in 2004. In 2008, MGM Resorts began charging resort fees. In 2013, Caesars Entertainment followed. These fees started out small, but over time have risen along with room rates.

Then starting in 2016 many Strip casinos decided to charge for parking. Prices in Las Vegas, especially on the Strip, are  higher than ever. Charging for parking on top of the resort fees and deteriorating game odds has resulted in angry customers.

According to MGM’s 2017 4th quarter report, both slot play and room occupancy fell slightly in 2017 This was the company’s first full year with pay to park. Revenues in some areas increased, but overall visitation to Las Vegas fell 1.6%. While many Resort and Casinos have reported increases in total income, it seems that paid parking is not inspiring people to visit Las Vegas.

In Downtown Las Vegas, just about everywhere you park can be free with validation. On the Strip, the common visitor is more likely to pay as you generally need casino elite player status to avoid parking charges.

Recently, two Las Vegas Strip Resort and Casinos are listening to their patrons. Wynn Resorts announced a change to their parking policy (for Wynn & Encore) effective July 1, 2018. They’ll be the first casinos on the Strip to allow guests to offset parking fees. Those who spend $50 in the casino will have their parking comped. Free parking has also been added to both casinos’ $39 resort fee, meaning that hotel guests will now be exempt from parking fees.

Wynn Resorts' change to parking policy is the first sign that the people are being heard. If validating parking has a positive impact on visitation and spending, MGM Resorts and Caesars Entertainment will likely consider following suit.

Allowing parking validation might make less money directly from parking, but if waiving a parking fee brings a customer in to spend more on a meal or gambling, it’s hard to see it not becoming the trend.

As of this writing, properties like Treasure Island, Venetian, Palazzo and even the Fashion Show Mall all have free parking.

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